Bill Houston and Tyler Pontier are devoted residents of Morris Plains.
They represent a new generation of leaders dedicated to preserving what makes Morris Plains great while preparing our community for the future. They are independent thinkers who will always look to do what is best for all the
residents of Morris Plains.
Bill Houston has a long history of service which he seeks to continue as a member of the Morris Plains Council representing the diverse interests and concerns of our growing community.
Bill has excelled in implementing cost-effective technology solutions that improve processes and enhance communication. He will work to expand access to town news and information.
Meet Bill
He and his wife, Meghan, have two children: one in Borough School and one a rising freshman at Morristown High School.
Served as a petty officer for 8 years in in the United States Coast Guard Reserve, where he worked on communication equipment as an electronics technician.
Earned an MBA in Technology Management.
Has a 20+ year career as an accomplished technology specialist and project manager for large financial institutions.
Served as a volunteer in the Morris Plains Fire Department.
Regularly attends Borough Council and board meetings and shares information to ensure residents are informed.
Tyler Pontier maintains a thriving real estate practice in Morris Plains. If elected, he will apply his business skills to his role as a member of the Morris Plains Borough Council.
Tyler has a proven track record of success and understands that access to public transportation, good schools, a thriving downtown, and a stable tax base are important to residents of Morris Plains.
Meet Tyler
He and his wife, Meredith, have two children who attend Borough school.
Attended the University of Rhode Island on an ROTC scholarship and graduated with a double major in Communications and Arts.
Served as a class parent at Mountain Way School.
Volunteers at school events.
Active member of the Morris Plains Rotary Club. Serves on the Board of Directors, Golf Committee and Membership Committee.
Enjoys time at Morris County Central Park with his family and two dogs.
If elected, Tyler and Bill will collaborate with other elected officials, town employees, and residents to
Keep taxes as low as possible and ensure taxpayer money is spent wisely.
Support our first responders to ensure public safety.
Make our downtown a welcoming destination for residents to work, play and live.
Attract business to fill vacancies and promote smart growth in our business districts.
Upgrade technologies to make information more readily accessible to residents, including streaming meetings.
Support Borough-sponsored programs for children, teens, and senior citizens.
Lead in a non-partisan manner, representing and respecting all residents' voices.
"We look forward to meeting and
listening to residents during the campaign."
Bill & Tyler

Stay up to date with the campaign at Linktr.ee/houstonpontier
Follow Bill & Tyler on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and on their Podcast.
Would you prefer making a contribution by check? Please find a contribution form and payment instructions HERE.


Support Bill & Tyler's Campaign.
Over 60 enthusiastic supporters attended Bill & Tyler's campaign fundraiser on April 30 at Autodidact Beer. Their financial investment launched their campaign. You can view Bill & Tyler's remarks here.
If you couldn't attend, you can still contribute! You've seen the rise in the cost of postage! Their greatest expense is getting the word out to Morris Plains residents. Help them inform their constituents about why their campaign matters.
Click photo above to get a better view of the slide show.

View video recording here.

Support Houston and Pontier, Morris NewsBee, October 24, 2024
In case you missed it!

Bill & Tyler Listening Tour 2024
Friday, September 6
Monday, September 9
Wednesday, September 18
Tuesday, September 24
Thursday, September 26
Tuesday, October 1
Sunday, October 6​
Bill & Tyler are grateful for the hosts of their listening tour venues and for the residents who took the time to join them to share their views.
Paid for by the Morris Plains Democratic Committee, Morris Plains, NJ 07950
© 2024 Morris Plains Democratic Committee